Please log into your iShop account on to calculate your order. Be sure to include your Purium ID # and the proper amounts per items for shipping/handling and sales tax. Customer Care will gladly provide you with this information by simply calling 888-747-6733. Include your credit card number and its expiration date or other method of payment in the payment block, as well as the applicable security code. Mail or fax your order as indicated below:

Purium Health Products

2610 Homestead Pl.

Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220

Ordering by Phone: 888-747-6733

Please have your order ready and give your Purium ID # to the customer service representative. If this is your first order and you do not yet have a Purium ID #, one will be provided to you at the time of purchase. You will also need your shipping address and credit card information, including the number, expiration date and billing address (if not on file already) and the credit card security code.