Start by searching for the customer whose Backup Order you will be creating.  Once on the customer's account, follow the following steps to create a Backup Order for them.

1. Make sure that the customer has a valid credit card on file by clicking "Edit Customer" just above the Login settings. Go into the "Payment" tab on the new window that pops up to setup the credit card for auto-billing.

2. Once the correct credit card is in place, click on "Add new Recurring Order" on the right hand side of the page. This will look very similar to the normal ordering process, with a few exceptions.

3. Start by verifying that the address selected is the correct one. If the customer wishes to have this order shipped to a different address, make the change for them, and ask if they would like to update the main address on file as well.

4. Next, choose the items that will be included in the Backup Order. Remember that PLC Members are required to maintain a monthly PV of 50 points, so the Backup Order must be at least that size for them.

5. Select the Ship Method on the appropriate tab. For Backup Orders, this will always be the flat-rate option for the customer's location. No expedited shipping for Backup Orders.

5. After the items have been added, select the process date on the "Schedule" tab. The process date for the Backup Order will always be the 21st of either the current or following month, depending on whether or not the customer has placed an order this month already (if the customer has already ordered 50 BV worth of products for the current month, no Backup Order will be sent, so the process date can be adjusted to next month).

6. On the last tab, the "Payment Tab", all you need to do is select the correct credit card for the customer depending on whether or not they want to bill the Primary or Secondary card on their account.

7. Hit "Finish" to complete the Backup Order creation process. If the customer does not show up as one already, make sure to manually update their Member type to PLC Member in the "Edit Customer" menu.